
Underwater Vibro Riprap Leveling Tamper

Underwater Vibro Open-Sea Riprap Leveling Method

As marine civil works have been conducted on larger scales, at deeper sites, and further offshore in recent years, work execution with machinery has become essential. Among such works, execution at a very deep offshore sites is also a battle with waves.
Underwater Vibro Riprap Leveling Tamper overcomes harsh wave conditions and realizes safer and more efficient leveling work replacing the labor of divers. As it is equipped with an operation management device which enables positioning and attitude control of the machine under harsh work conditions, it can execute work with high efficiency and high accuracy.



High operability

The Vibro Leveling Tamper can maintain high operability under high-wave conditions.

Execution with high accuracy

As its vertical posture is maintained automatically, the Vibro Leveling Tamper can execute leveling with high accuracy.

Real-time execution management

Work conditions can be managed in real time on the operation management screen.

High work efficiency

As the Vibro Leveling Tamper detects the elevation of the leveling surface with its sensor and executes the leveling with automatic control, it can maintain high efficiency of the work.
